Hessel Group

Meet Tanya Cole

Chief Executive Officer

Hessel Group Tanya Cole

25 years ago, Tanya saw a gap in the childcare market, being a parent and seeking quality home-based care for my young children. nannySA was established, and by listening to our stakeholders and actioning on what the industry needed, nannySA has now grown to be the successful, multi-purposed Hessel Group.

As a trusted and respected leader in the community, Tanya is often called on to contribute with comments for media interviews and programs, drawing on my experience and knowledge of the social care sector. She contributes to many industry boards, committees and panels, and is often invited to judge for community and industry awards.


Tanya is passionate about the future of skilled labour within the growing social care sector, leading the business to collaborate with some amazing organisations in South Australia to develop skilling and employment programmes.


"I’m passionate for the future of skilled labour within the growing social care sector, leading the business to collaborate with some amazing organisations in South Australia to develop skilling and employment programmes.

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