School Holiday Kimochi® Program

Sometimes kids (and adults) have strong feelings that can fuel challenging behaviours. Sometimes it’s hard to know how to communicate when you are in an emotional moment. Kimochis are a playful way to help children (and adults!) learn how to identify and express feelings. When kids can communicate their feelings effectively, they develop positive social skills that lead to lasting friendships and success in all aspects of life. 


Led by our Psychologist and certified Kimochi practitioner Sharna Christie, the Hessel Group Kimochi program helps children understand and manage their emotions in fun and interactive ways. Through engaging activities like "Hello Feelings!" and meeting lovable characters such as Cloud and Huggtopus, children learn to recognise, express, and balance emotions like happiness, sadness, and anger. Focusing on emotional awareness, empathy, and resilience, our sessions boost self-confidence, encourage positive behaviours, and enhance social skills. Each child's unique emotional needs are lovingly supported, equipping them with vital tools for a joyful and emotionally healthy life.


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Untitled (600 x 400 px) bright

The Program

Wednesday - 2nd October 2024

Meet Cloud!

Come along on a journey with us to a place where imagination and play come to life! Cloud is our mood-regulating Kimochi, he can be a little moody and unpredictable, just like the weather! During this 2-hour session, Cloud will help us explore the land of emotions, bounding back from hurt feelings, how to be kind, and will teach us about how to use our talking voice rather than our fighting voice. Cloud helps us to understand that although it is ok to be mad, it is not ok to be mean! Cloud has something to teach all participants, with his specific therapeutic focus being for children and young people with all types of neurodiversity, including autism spectrum and ADHD. 

Wednesday 2nd October 2024

10am - 12pm

Hessel Group Welland Clinic

2 Arlington Terrace Welland SA 5007

This playful and imaginative journey through the land of emotions will involve a meet and greet with Cloud himself! Then through interactive games, activities, and story time, participants will learn all about happy, mad, and sad feelings. These activities will explore feelings as either hard-to-have or easy-to-have, with a focus on techniques for making feelings bigger or smaller, depending on whether it is a feeling we want to have more or less of! Participants will focus on allowing sad feelings to come and go, filling their hearts with happiness, and managing any anger.  



Use self-soothing strategies to comfort and regulate upset feelings, how to choose helping words and actions rather than hurtful words and actions, bounding back when feeling upset and sharing hard-to-have feelings.



This program is claimable under NDIS Capacity Building - Improved Daily Living
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Friday - 11th October 2024

Meet Huggtopus!

Huggtopus is our inclusivity and uniqueness Kimochi, she is full of smiles and hugs! She is affectionate and strong but sometimes gets a little carried away by her emotions. During this 2-hour session, Huggtopus will help us explore the playground of emotions that are made up of excitement, frustration, silliness, and pride! Huggtopus teaches us about tolerance of others, appreciation for uniqueness and that all differences should be celebrated! Huggtopus has something to teach all participants, with her specific therapeutic focus being for children and young people with all types of neurodiversity, including autism spectrum and ADHD.


Friday 11th October 2024

10am - 12pm

Hessel Group Welland Clinic

2 Arlington Terrace Welland SA 5007

On this journey of inclusivity and acceptance, we will have a meet and greet with Huggtopus! Followed by interactive games, activities, roleplay, and story time that will guide participants on a path of learning about excited, frustrated, silly and proud emotions. These activities will explore the beauty in uniqueness and individuality and will integrate an understanding of tolerance for others. Huggtopus teaches us about recognising body language, self-control, using “stop hands” and being respectful. Participants will focus on how to make fun good for everyone, when to be silly and when to be serious, bouncing back from frustration and how to show pride in yourself and others! 

Paying attention to personal space, initiating positive conversation, honouring differences, turn-taking and sharing, catching yourself when interrupting, and knowing what to do when playtime or silliness gets too rough.



This program is claimable under NDIS Capacity Building - Improved Daily Living
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*All Kimochis characters, feeling pillows, images and language are copyrighted and trademarked property of Kimochis and Plushy Feely Corp. All Rights Reserved.

We are available to discuss and recommend the ideal program best suited to individual needs, requirements and goals. Please contact us for a discussion.

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