Hessel Group

Meet Denise Coronel

Design and Marketing Assistant at Hessel Group


The Art of Visual Communication

Denise is a master of visual communication and design strategy, with a unique vision for delivering multifaceted design services. Her ability to construct, communicate and connect brands is a testament to her creative brilliance.


The Designer Behind the Brand

At the heart of our organisation, Denise crafts the visual elements that encapsulate the Hessel Group identity. Her designs resonate with our team and help communicate our mission to our customers and partners.


Marketing: The Bridge to Our Audience

As a Design and Marketing Assistant, Denise complements her design skills with strategic marketing insights. Her efforts help us effectively convey our diverse services, from childcare and disability support to training programs.



"Denise Coronel exemplifies the dedication, creativity, and strategic thinking that form the backbone of the Hessel Group. As a Designer and Marketing Assistant, she plays a critical role in shaping our visual identity and communicating our brand to the world. Her story is a testament to how each team member contributes to the ongoing success of the Hessel Group.

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